Cat, sip and chill … 17.8.19

Apparently, Tuesday was International Prosecco Day, swiftly followed by International Relaxation Day on Thursday.  The previous Thursday was International Cat Day.  This should have been a week sent from the Gods, for one who loves nothing more than relaxation, cats and prosecco – all at the same time, within a week, even better. Truth is, I find myself indignantly wondering, “Who says it’s an international day?”, writes Gill. Continue reading “Cat, sip and chill … 17.8.19”

Climb every mountain…23.6.19

I bizarrely found myself agreeing to walk up Ennerdale’s Dent last week.

The last time I thought of the fell was when my husband would take our kids walking there to give me three hours peace.

“Right lads, let’s climb a mountain,’’ he would say enthusiastically, like Bear Grylls without the urine obsession, writes Julie.

Continue reading “Climb every mountain…23.6.19”

Hey all! The weather continues to be horrific but we don’t care because we have been wrapped up smelling delicious candles all day.

We met Jo from Lakeland Lights Co. this morning whose candles we have admired on Instagram for a few weeks now. A fledgling company, based in Whitehaven, it is creating some delicious-smelling unique products, all based on a Cumbrian theme.

Obsessed with candles as we are, we have spent all afternoon sniffing and want to let everyone know about the business because it deserves to be supported.

We wish owners, Jo and James, all the best with their fantastic range. Read all about them in this week’s blog.

love J and Gxx



Lakeland Lights Company … 8.6.19

I’m obsessed with candles, have been since the age of six.  I’m not talking Jo Malone or paraffin stick candles to facilitate a black out in 1974, I’m talking luxury, and salt of the Cumbrian earth inspired, aromatic dreaminess.

Luxury scented candles made here in Cumbria, inspired by the landscape and scents of our wonderful Lake District is a reality made possible by the Lakeland Lights Company writes Gill. Continue reading “Lakeland Lights Company … 8.6.19”

Hey folks. We’ve had a bit of a break, but we’re back!

This week Gill looks back at her recent holiday, while nursing that cold you always pick up on a plane. Being in enclosed spaces with strangers breathing in their germs rarely ends well.

While Julie looks at two things which happens in June — the D-Day anniversary and  return of Love Island. Linking them is a stretch, but she’s had a go.


love Julie and Gillxx



From D-Day to Love Island…1.6.19

TO stop me looking out of the window and thinking it is still February (I’ve barely had on my flip-flops and it’s June. Who do I call?) I resorted this afternoon to flicking through The Mail Online.

When the weather is already that grim it is necessary to avoid news which mentions Trump’s state visit, Brexit, Boris Johnston or any stories built around a Kardashian wearing a new bikini “responding angrily” to idiot trolls.

I find that within minutes of taking in any of this information you can actually physically feel the loss of brain cells and be overwhelmed by deep feelings of despair and futility, writes Julie.


Continue reading “From D-Day to Love Island…1.6.19”